One of the main complaints people come to me for as a naturopathic doctor is pain resolution. Whether their pain is caused by physical or emotional trauma, I am always struck by how much people feel embarrassed by having pain. Often they express the belief that the difficult events they have endured, the challenges that left scars and self-doubt, are somehow punishments. I wasn’t careful, I was stupid, I had to learn better, and so on. Frequently, they hide the extent or even existence of the tragedy they’ve suffered.
Admitting our pain makes us feel vulnerable. One person put it like this, “I hide my pain from everyone, even my husband, because if other people know, they will judge me. They will think less of me, even doubt my spirituality. I have been through hell and I guess I must have deserved it. When I tell people, they act as though my pain takes away from what I have to offer the world, as if I’m now tainted. And worst, some say I don’t want to let go of this pain; that I want to hurt, when believe me, I would do anything to be free.”
I have heard statements like this from so many people through the years, and at times have felt this way myself. This is a small piece I wrote forInspire Me Today.
‘You are not diminished by your pain. Your spirituality is not measured by the presence or absence of difficulty in your life. Challenge is not a punishment or a reward. It is not a reflection of your value to the world; it is a reflection of your choice to grow and learn and make mistakes. Although your thoughts and attitudes influence your experiences, you are not your thoughts. “Your thoughts control your experience of reality. But your thoughts cannot effect, or change, or control, or even touch who you are.”~ Paul Williams, Remember your Essence
Remembering your essence will awaken you to the realization that humans are magnificently imperfect beings in an imperfectly perfect world. You have unlimited potential. Not remembering your essence doesn’t change who you are, it changes how you feel. Look beyond the circumstances of your life and recognize the truly magnificent soul inside. Then, look beyond the circumstances of every person you meet and see his or her essence.’
For those who struggle with pain, the greatest healer is acceptance. Accept who you are and where you’ve been. What happened, is. Resistance doesn’t change it. Rather, look at why you want to resist. What are your preserving? What will you lose by letting your denial go?
I would you love to hear your thoughts on this subject. Also, for those who would like a technique for managing physical pain, look in Energy Recipes. For those who would like to work on emotional pain, check out my book, The Path of Emotions.
“The circumstances of your life do not describe and cannot constrain the greatness of your soul.” Synthia Andrews
