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Audio Energy Meditations

This meditation brings freedom from old emotional patterns by recreating the ancient Egyptian headdress worn by Queens and Pharaohs. The headdress is a unique energy amplifier. Shaped like a cone and worn with the narrow end around the head and the wide end opened to Spirit, it channels spiritual energy downward into the crown chakra. The layered striations of the headdress align with the seven layers of the aura. As higher frequencies are drawn into the headdress, the aura begins to vibrate. Thought forms, limiting beliefs and old emotional patterns burst and disperse, allowing new inspirations to emerge. This meditation brings upliftment, expanded consciousness and freedom from limitation.
Queen Nefertiti's Headdress is the perfect daily shower to cleanse and activate your aura.

Ground, center and establish boundaries.
Step 1. Fig 1. Sit comfortably; and In your mind’s eye, place a cone-shaped Egyptian-type headdress on your head. The narrow end of the cone fits around your head and the wider end opens to the heavens. Gently drop your chin and stretch the back of your neck, activating the Hara line and lifting the cone to receive energy.
Step 2. Fig 2. Using breath and intention,
On an inhalation, invite energy to fill the headdress. Imagine as the headdress fills, the energy within vibrate faster and with more intensity.
Exhale and mentally invite the energy to flow out the striations of the headdress into the layers of the aura..
As you aura fills with light, notice that the different layers begin to vibrate at slightly different rates. If this is hard to sense, just focus on the overall increase in vibration of your energy field.
Allow mental and emotional disturbances, negative thought forms, projections from other people and psychic hooks to reveal themselves as areas that vibrate more slowly. They may feel sluggish, blocked, dense, or have a dark color. You may feel emotional content such as fear, guilt, greed, shame, anger or victimization.

By Synthia Andrews, ND - Career Press, New Page Books
Illustrated Instructions
with audio version below
For more information about the benefits and uses of this meditation see, Subtle Energy Work.

Step 2-B. Focus your awareness and, with your breath, increase the light coming into the headdress. As your aura increases in vibration, the unwanted energy forms will vibrate beyond their ability to maintain form, bursting and releasing all the energy entrapped within. Let yourself feel light and free.
Step 2-C. After dispersing unwanted energy forms, imagine the energy reversing direction and passing out of the headdress through the opening at the top, vacuuming your aura and pulling psychic residue and debris out of your field to be dispensed. Finish By brushing your aura. Use your fingers to separate the light filaments and untangle snarled areas, fluffing the aura by brushing light, space, and color into your field.
When you are finished, ground, center and establish boundaries.