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Audio Energy Meditations

This meditation impacts the quality of energy flowing through the body and energy field. The Nadis are pathways of energy interacting with the meridians and weaving between the chakras. They sustain a smooth energy flow and prepare the nervous system for managing higher frequencies and amplitude of energy. They also prepare the Hara line for the rising of Kundalini, a powerful spiritual energy that resides in the sacrum. Kundalini rises naturally as awareness expands. This meditation is the sweetest of all the meditations, providing a truly sublime serenity.
In this meditation, energy is flowing from the Earth, into your chakra system weaving from your Base chakra to your Crown chakra. Mixing with energy from the Heavens, it then returns through your chakras to the Earth.

Ground, center and establish boundaries. Connect with your spiritual Source.
Step 1. Sit or lie with straight spine.
Step 2. Using your breath and attention, invite the movement of energy into and through your chakras in a spiraling ascent then descent
Step 3. Fig 1: Upward Path, filling each chakra with light as energy moves through:
Inhale drawing energy into your left foot and up your left leg to enter the left side of your Base Chakra
Exhale the energy out the right side of your Base Chakra and upward to enter the right side of your Sacral Chakra
With your breath, continue inviting the progression of energy
Out the left side of the Sacral chakra, into the left side of the Solar Plexus Chakra
Out the right side of the Solar Plexus, into the right side of the Heart Chakra
Out the left side of the Heart Chakra, into the left side of the Throat Chakra
Out the right side of the Throat Chakra, into the right side of the Third Eye Chakra.
Out the left side of your Third Eye, over the head into the left side of the Crown Chakra.
For more information about the benefits and uses of this meditation see, Subtle Energy Work.

By Synthia Andrews, ND - Career Press, New Page Books
Illustrated Instructions
with audio version below
Step 4. Fig 2: Descending Path
With your breath, exhale energy downward following this progression:
Energy flows out the right side of the crown chakra and enters the right side of the Third Eye
Out the left side of the Third Eye, curving downward and into the left side of the Throat Chakra
Out the right side of the throat Chakra, curving downward into the right side of the Heart Chakra
Out the left side of the Heart Chakra and into the left side of the Solar Plexus Chakra
Out the right side of the Solar Plexus Chakra and into the right side of the sacral Chakra
Out the left side of the sacral chakra and into the left side of the base chakra
Out the right side of the base chakra, down the right leg and out the right foot into Earth
Step 5. Fig 3: Complete the upward and downward pathways.
Continue the circuit for three full rounds.
When you are comfortable with the flow, bring energy up through every chakra on one inhale and take it down through every chakra on one exhale.
When you are finished, pull the energy into your chakras, ground, center and establish boundaries.