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Adventures In Energy

Intuition: Gateway To  Your Inner Wisdom

Intuitive Index Assessment

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Intuition arrives through five, different, perceptive pathways: Inner Knowing (spiritual gnosis or claircognizance), Feelings (empathic understanding), Sensing (body-centered felt-perceptions), Visual Images (clairvoyance) and Auditory Messages (clairaudience). Although highly developed intuitives use all capabilities, most people find one or two to be more natural. If you’ve tried unsuccessfully to develop your intuition, you may have been developing your least natural path. If, for example, you tried to develop your visual skills when your tendency is toward inner knowing, it would be like asking a left-handed child to learn to write with their right hand. Of course you can develop any perceptive pathway, but you might feel clumsy and ineffective when you begin with one that is less natural for you. Knowing your Intuition Index might be the game changer for your success! 

The Intuitive Index Assessment helps determine your most natural perceptive pathway.  Then you can use the skills you’re good at to help develop the areas that don’t come easily. 


The Assessment

Below are a series of questions. Rate each of the possible answers for every question and don’t worry if you give the same rating to several responses for the same question. There are no right or wrong answers. Base your response on your experience. Rate each answer on a 1 to 5 scale: If you don’t know, use 0.

1=Never; 2=Occasionally; 3=Often; 4=Most Of The Time; 5=Always

Write your ratings on a piece of paper, then plug the numbers into the score sheet as directed at the end.

Have fun!


1. When I have a flash of insight, I :

a. Feel a sense of great connection.

b. Don’t know where my insight came from.

c. Notice tingling or other sensations in my body.

d. See a vision in my mind’s eye.

e. Hear a message that helps me.


2. I usually make my decisions based on:

a. An inner conviction of what is best. 

b. The choice that makes me feel complete. 

c. A little voice in my ear.  

d. How alive my body feels.   

e. The clearest outcome I can envision.   


3. The spiritual world gets my attention with:

a. Omens such as bursts of wind or significant animals. 

b. Flashes of light and color, rainbows.

c. Heat in my hands or other body sensations.

d. An overwhelming desire for stillness.

e. A sudden awareness of background sounds.


4. I know when someone is lying to me because:

a. My body feels uncomfortable.

b. I feel an incongruity.

c. I see something in the person’s face.

d. The person’s voice sounds wrong.

e.  I just know it.         


5. I see colors around people, flashes and streaks of light, and/or orbs floating

in the air.

6. I feel a connection with my family and friends who have died.

7. I know things about people they haven’t told me.

8. When I’m with someone who hurts, I often feel pain in the same area.

9. I hear things other people don’t seem to, such as high pitched noises,

whispers or clicking.


10. Significant spiritual experiences for me consist of:

a. Hearing a voice that says my name or a short phrase.

b. Feeling emotionally uplifted and supported by unseen beings.

c. Undergoing spontaneous healing of an illness or injury. 

d. Seeing a vision or having a significant dream.

e. A sudden knowing that everything was going to be okay.      


11. When I pray or connect with Spirit, I usually:

a. Participate in a conversation.

b. Listen to, sing, or create beautiful music.

c. Quiet my mind’s eye to receive visions.

d. Tune in and feel the presence.                                                        

e. Reach for a transcendent emotion such as awe.                              


12. The most effective meditation technique for me is:

a. Focusing on a candle flame or image of a guru or teacher. 

b. Chanting a mantra.

c. Emptying my mind.

d. Surrendering to Love.

e. Focusing on my breath.


13. When I visit a house I haven’t been to before, the first thing I notice is:

a. How welcoming the space is (or not).

b. The layout and design of the rooms.

c. The way the light and color work.

d. The ambient sounds.

e. How comfortable my body feels.                           


14. When someone I care about is not present, I stay connected by:

a. Seeing him or her in my mind’s eye.

b. Holding something he or she gave me.

c. Trying to link telepathically.

d. Phoning so I can hear his or her voice.

e. Feeling a heart-to-heart flow.


15. Sometimes when no one is around, I unexpectedly:

a. Smell cigar smoke or perfume.

b. Hear footsteps or other strange sounds.

c. Feel overwhelming emotion.

d. See things in the corner of my eye. 

e. Know I am not alone.


16. I know to pay attention when:

a. I have a sudden burst of emotion.

b. My thoughts align with the synchronicity of events.

c. I find a feather or other meaningful symbol.          

d. My vision tunnels.

e. I hear unusual sounds.


17. When someone hurts me:

a. I need a hug.

b. I want to forgive them.

c. I need to understand why.

d. I need to hear an apology.

e. I can’t get over it until I see them.


18. When someone gets hurt:

a. I ask them the details of what happened.

b. I want to comfort them.

c. I immediately reach out to touch the injury.

d. I look to see the damage.

e. I maintain a calm, assuring tone of voice.


19. It’s important to me that people I’m involved with:

a. Feel and smell nice.

b. Have a warm timbre to their voice. 

c. Are intelligent and interesting.

d. Are emotionally present.

e. Share my vision.


20. When I am uncertain:

a. I listen for guidance.

b. I spend time in nature.        

c. I notice my feelings within and around the uncertainty.

d. I learn as much as I can and list what I need to do.

e. I visualize and let the situation reveal itself.




Put your rating for the appropriate questions in the following chart. The questions are out of order to match their associated intuitive type, so pay attention to where you put your scores. When you are done, add up each column to confirm your strongest and weakest intuitive faculty.   

Click here to explore what your score means.

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