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On The Edge of Reality - Endorsements and Reviews

“In my lifetime of reading and research, I have never seen a more comprehensive, grouded and logical presentation of supra-normal phenomena.  This is th best researched attempt to comprehend their origins and ultimate meanings for mankind. It is a grand achievement by authors with indisputable credentials and authority who have advanced out understanding of the reality of higher consciousness and its immense potential and hope for all of us. High strangeness, indeed.”

Dan Aykroyd,- Comedian, singer, actor and screenwriter.



“Colin Andrews’ work has revolutionized my UFO-related research, moving me from nuts and bolts to exploring consciousness as the basis of a new paradigm. On The Edge of Reality deals with the connection between our consciousness and physical reality. I highly recommend that everyone read this book.”

Grant Cameron, author of UFOs, Area 51, and Government Informants: A Report on Government Involvement in UFO Crash Retrievals (Self-published, 2013)


“On The Edge of Reality makes us as humans aware of a new reality that is going to guide our understanding of our place in the Universe and that we are all one, including the extra-terrestrials who have been observing us for thousands of years. Quantum physics is slowly opening the door to the mysteries of the Universe and our place in it;  it shows that the universe is more mysterious than we imagined and indeed more mysterious than we can imagine.”

Dr. Jesse Marcel, Jr., MD, , military officer, author of The Roswell Legacy: The Untold Story of the First Military Officer at the 1947 Crash Site (New Page, 2008).


“Synthia and Colin Andrews are among a handful of contemporary authors who really understand the full implications of the profound changes affecting our world today. They combine deep historical insight with the latest scientific research to produce this highly intriguing, wide-ranging yet accessible book. If you aren't afraid to take a good, hard look at where our society and planet are rapidly heading, then I urge you to read this now.”

Dr. Simeon Hein, PhD, founder of Mount Baldy Institute


“To compare Colin Andrews to a modern Paul Revere or Charles Fort would be an understatement. Colin is the one who first brought the crop circle phenomenon to the world attention when no hoax was involved. He is also the one who not only courageously exposed the hoaxing happening in the later years but also had the insight to look more thoroughly into this phenomenon and understood its deeper

meaning. This earned him to be ostracized and crucified by many researchers who had become too engrained in their own belief system. Now Colin is giving us another outstanding example of his dedication to truth, deep insight, integrity, and talent in The Edge of Reality he wrote with his equally talented wife Synthia. When I started reading this book, I could not put it down as I was so taken by the flowing quality of the writing and the exceptional way in which Colin is opening our eyes to what is really happening in our world. He is truly connecting the dots to build an amazing picture of what is already here and what is to come, along with providing ample documentation to support his points. It is a must-read for those who are ready to welcome a change in paradigm and really want for humanity to evolve to a higher status.”

Dr. Jean-Noel Aubrun, PhD, senior aerospace consultant.


“This book is a provocative mind-opening experience and a synopsis of many of the exciting breakthroughs taking place in paraphysical exploration.”

J.J. Hurtak, PhD,The Academy For Future Science


“Colin and Synthia's visionary insights in On the Edge of Reality opens our mind to a new way of thinking. The way we perceive reality will alter forever.”

Julian Richardson, circle-maker



“In his latest book, On the Edge of Reality, the ever-perceptive Colin Andrews, together with his wife, Synthia, advise us that in their investigation of high strangeness, those events and encounters that defy our conventional law of physics and redefine our reality, there is an undeniable awareness that our world—ready or not—is fast approaching a dramatic paradigm shift. We all stand at a crossroads, a moment of decision, to accept the process of integration with a Higher Mind and move forward into a new reality of higher awareness or to be left behind in an old world that refuses to challenge the boundaries of the past.”

Brad Steiger, author of Mysteries of Time and Space


“Colin and Synthia Andrews take the reader on a journey through the mystifying, yet harsh-truth realities of the complex world of the

paranormal. The authors are concerned with both climate change and spiritual transformation as they tackle an avalanche of paradigm shifting fields ranging from crop circles and UFO’s to remote viewing and medical advances in healing. On the Edge of Reality is an inspiring page turner sure to deepen the understanding of any reader who opens these pages.”

—Marc J. Seifer, PhD, author of Wizard: The Life & Times of Nikola Tesla


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